Bend Ice Figure Skating Club performed at the BPRD Winter Solstice event and it went very well. You can watch the performance on Bend IFSC’s YouTube channel -
Judges Appreciation Dinner
A huge THANK YOU and shout out to our judges (and trial judges!) who continually support our skaters and clubs!
We appreciate your dedication and always showing up, especially those early mornings!!! 😊 ☕️
Dr Jerilyn F
Wendy G
Becky P
Kim B
George C
Jennifer H
Jennifer C
Edy H
Carolyn B
Barbara S
Sara K
Bill C
Lisa H
Thank you from Oregon Skating Council!!!
Club Holiday Shows
Support your local figure skating club and catch some holiday vibes:
Bend IFSC Winter Solstice at The Pavilion in Bend - 12/17, 5P
Carousel Sherwood FSC Holiday Show at Sherwood Ice Arena in Sherwood - 12/17, Time TBA
Eugene FSC Celebrate the Season at The Rink Exchange in Eugene - 12/4, 7P / Free with a donation of a new book for kids 6 and under.
Portland ISC Holiday Show at Lloyd Ice Rink - Date & Time TBA
Southern Oregon FSC Holiday Show at The RRRinks in Medford - 12/4, 5P
Winterhawks FSC Nutcracker On Ice at Winterhawks Skating Center in Beaverton - 12/18, 7P
More details on the calendar and/or visit club websites!
We Lost A Great Man - Don Baldwin
The Portland skating community has a lost a great.
Sending our condolences and love to the Baldwin Family. Don will be greatly missed. Thank you for sharing his legacy with us and keeping our ice community together.
Portland Monthly had a great Q&A with Mr Baldwin this past September. Link here for full article:
Don Baldwin has been the general manager of Lloyd Center’s ice rink since 1998—long before the snazzy 2016 remodel that shrunk the size of the ice. We asked what keeps him gliding.
What has kept you here for 23 years?
The people. We have really nice people here. We’ve set up kind of a community. I tell people, ‘We’re inside a big pink bubble here.’ Because it’s all about the skaters, it’s all about skating. Everybody comes here and they leave their everyday responsibilities behind.
His family has set a GoFundMe for support during their difficult time. Memorial information can also be found here:
Join us December 28th at 10am to honor and remember Don Baldwin. It will be held at Lloyd Center Ice rink. Party rooms will be open for light refreshments and a commemoration book. There will also be skating performances dedicated to Don.
If you have any photos, memories and any other tidbits that can be included in the book, it would be appreciated.
We will all be wearing red, Dons favorite color.
We ask for no flowers but instead a donation to Don’s family. The go fund me link will be available that day.
Please park in the Halsey street Parking garage (entrance on 9th and also on Halsey street). Those are the only doors that will be open at that time.
Dear Serge Onik
Serge, you will be greatly missed. Our hearts are broken to have heard the devastating news. We are so incredibly lucky to have had the honor and pleasure to both know you and learn from you. From the Oregon Skating community and beyond we are sending all our love to you and your family.
@sergeonik forever. 💖
Flashback Saturday - Remember when Synchro Nationals skated Portland ice?! →
Although considered one of the five official disciplines of figure skating, synchronized skating—in which teams of up to 24 skaters perform elaborately choreographed routines, often at breakneck speeds—is the only one not yet represented at the Olympics. It's hard to imagine why. If two people flinging each other around the ice is worthy of medals, shouldn't two dozen skaters doing it at the same time be 12 times as worthy?
Read moreJason Brown's World Famous Banana Oatmeal Pancakes
What’s better than banana pancakes on a Sunday Morning? Banana oatmeal pancakes and JASON BROWN!!! Oregon Skating Council is super excited to be sharing the kitchen (a la zoom!) with Jason Brown as he shares he favorite banana and oatmeal pancake recipe!
For more information, hit up our ONLINEseries page!
Portland figure skating coach Mari Malama has faced many professional challenges this year. The toughest? Finding an open rink. →
When Ice Rinks Closed Around the State, a Portland Figuring Skating Coach Still Found a Way for Her Students to Compete in the National Championships
Portland figure skating coach Mari Malama has faced many professional challenges this year. The toughest? Finding an open rink.
Read moreMariah Bell hits the OSC Zoom Screens!
We are happy to announce that Mariah Bell will be “visiting” the PNW via Zoom again! Join us December 5th and 12th at 4P PST as Mariah shares off-ice jump techniques! Hit the ONLINEseries tab above for more information!
OHA New Guidance for Ice Rinks in Washington County
Under new guidance issued Thursday evening by the Oregon Health Authority, bowling alleys and skating rinks in Phase 1 counties, which includes the Portland area, will be allowed to reopen with coronavirus safety restrictions in place.
The new rules allow bowling centers and skating rinks to resume business with a capacity of no more than 50 people and bowling and skate times limited to scheduled appointments.
Phase One Reopening Guidance —
Bowling Alleys and Skating Rinks
500 Summer St NE E20 Salem OR 97301 Voice: 503-947-2340 Fax: 503-947-2341
Authority: Executive Order No. 20-27, ORS 431A.010, ORS 433.441, ORS 433.443 Applicability: This guidance applies to operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks in Phase
One counties.
Enforcement: To the extent this guidance requires compliance with certain provisions, it is enforceable as specified in Executive Order 20-27, paragraph 26.
Operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks are required to:
Limit the capacity to a maximum of 50 people indoor or 50 people outdoor, not to exceed 50 indoor and outdoor; or the number of people, including staff, based on capacity (square footage/occupancy), whichever is less.
Ensure all facilities are ready to operate and that all equipment is in good condition, according to any applicable maintenance and operations manuals and standard operating procedures.
Limit bowling times/skate times to scheduled appointments.
Maintain contact information of customers for bowling and skating activities. If there is a positive COVID-19 case associated with the bowling/skating establishment, public health may need this information for a contact tracing investigation. Unless otherwise required, this information may be destroyed 60 days after the event.
Review and implement General Guidance for Employers. Physical Distancing Measures
Determine maximum occupancy of each indoor and outdoor area to maintain the requirement of at least six (6) feet of physical distance between parties, and limit number of individuals on the premises accordingly. Use 35 square feet per person of usable space as a guide to determine maximum occupancy. Bowling lanes are not considered usable space.
If equipment or play lanes cannot be moved to facilitate physical distancing, the area must be blocked from being used.
Single parties are defined as groups of 10 or fewer people who have chosen to congregate together.
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Ensure that physical distancing of at least six (6) feet between people of different parties is maintained. Make clear that members of the same party can participate in activities together, stand in line together, etc. and do not have to stay six (6) feet apart.
Assign a physical distancing monitor to ensure compliance with all distancing requirements, including at entrances, exits, restrooms and any other area where people may congregate.
Position staff to monitor physical distancing requirements, so that parties are no larger than 10 people, and to help visitors understand these requirements.
Set up seating and/or game configuration to comply with all physical distancing requirements.
Do not combine parties or allow shared seating for individuals not in the same party.
Remove or restrict seating/consoles/lanes etc. to support the requirement of at least six
(6) feet of physical distance between people not in the same party.
Prohibit people in different parties from congregating in any area of the facility, both indoor and outdoor, including in parking lots.
Prohibit operation and use of any play areas/ball pits/playgrounds.
Prohibit full contact sports, e.g. Ice Hockey, as stated in the Recreational Sports guidance.
Ensure that ventilation systems operate properly. Increase air circulation and ventilation as much as possible by opening windows and doors. In indoor spaces, fans should only be used when windows or doors are open to the outdoors in order to circulate indoor and outdoor air. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety risk to employees, children or customers.
Do not operate, if unable to maintain at least six (6) feet of distance as required by this guidance, except for brief interactions or if unable to comply with all other requirements in this guidance. The requirement to close applies to both indoor and outdoor operations for entities that have both.
To the extent possible, operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks should, but are not required to:
Consider placing clear plastic or glass barriers in front of reception counters, cashiers, rental counters or in other places where maintaining six (6) feet of physical distance between employees and clients is more difficult. Masks and face coverings are still required in these situations.
Consider using a phone, email or online reservation system.
Encourage use during non-peak times as determined and publicized by facility
Encourage one-way flow with marked entrances and exits, but do not block egress for fire exits. Use signs to direct one-way flow of traffic.
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Operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks are required to:
Require all employees to wear a mask, face shield, or cloth, paper or disposable face covering in accordance with Statewide Mask, Face Covering, Face Shield Guidance. If an employee cannot wear a mask, face covering or face shield because of a disability, the employer must work with the employee to determine whether a reasonable accommodation can be provided. A reasonable modification does not include simply allowing an employee inside without a mask, face covering or face shield. There are limited times when an employee does not have to wear a mask, face shield or face covering at a location covered by the statewide guidance, but no exemptions. An employer should work with their human resources department or speak to their legal counsel to determine their legal options for addressing this issue. Employers may also reach out to the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) for technical assistance.
Employers must provide masks, face coverings or face shields for employees.
Train all employees on cleaning operations (see below) and best hygiene practices
including washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Review and use Statewide Mask, Face Covering, Face Shield Guidance.
Visitor Face Coverings
All visitors and customers are required to follow the Statewide Mask, Face Covering, Face Shield Guidance.
Provide for accommodations for employees, contractors, students, customers and visitors if such accommodations are required by:
State and federal disabilities laws, if applicable, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which protects people with disabilities from discrimination in employment and requires employers to engage in the interactive process for accommodations.
State or federal labor laws.
State and federal public accommodations laws that provide all persons with full
and equal access to services, transportation and facilities open to the public.
OHA public health guidance if applicable.
Bowling alleys and skating rinks are considered “indoor public spaces” or “outdoor public spaces” whether publicly owned or privately owned, where the public has access by right or invitation, express or implied, whether by payment of money. The use of masks, face coverings or face shields is required.
Thoroughly clean all areas of bowling alley or skating rink prior to reopening after extended closure.
Employees must clean and sanitize work areas, high-traffic areas, and commonly touched surfaces in both customer and employee areas in indoor and outdoor facilities. Use disinfectants that are included on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
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approved list for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Use products that are effective against the novel coronavirus.
Thoroughly clean restroom facilities at least twice daily and, to the extent possible, ensure adequate sanitary supplies (soap, toilet paper, hand sanitizer) throughout the day. Restroom facilities that cannot be cleaned twice daily should be kept closed or a sign should be posted stating that the restroom is unable to be cleaned twice daily.
Employees must clean and disinfect ALL bowling balls, shared equipment, shoes, skates and any other commonly touched devices or tools between use.
Assign a sanitation attendant or attendants to frequently clean and disinfect work areas, high-traffic areas, and commonly touched surfaces (including balls, touch screens, skates and other shared equipment) in areas accessed by workers and attendees/participants.
Provide public sanitation stations for customers to be able to clean hands and highly touched surfaces as needed.
To the extent possible, operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks should, but are not required to:
• Strongly encourage clients to wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and/or use hand sanitizer (60-95% alcohol content) immediately before and after play session as well as several times during the session.
Operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks are required to:
Post clear signs listing COVID-19 symptoms, asking employees, volunteers and visitors with symptoms to stay home and who to contact if they need assistance.
Use clear signs to encourage physical distancing.
Post clear signs about the mask, face covering, or face shield requirements. Additional requirements
Keep areas that are prone to attracting crowds (including but not limited to indoor playgrounds, indoor play structures and drop-off play structures) closed.
Keep drop-in childcare closed.
Limit parties to 10 people or fewer. Do not combine parties/guests in shared seating who have not chosen to congregate together. People in the same party seated at the same table do not have to be six (6) feet apart.
Prohibit parties (a group of 10 or fewer people that arrived at the site together) from congregating in parking lots and other common areas for periods longer than reasonable to retrieve/return gear and enter/exit vehicles.
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Keep common areas, such as picnic tables, day-use shelters, and buildings open to the public, arranged so at least six (6) feet of physical distance between parties (chairs, benches, tables) is maintained. Post clear signs to reinforce physical distancing requirements between visitors of different parties.
End all facility activities by 10 p.m.
Follow the Phase One Restaurants and Bars Guidance, if serving food and/or beverage. Operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks must comply with the maximum capacity limits required in the Phase One Guidance for Bowling Alleys and Skating Rinks and cannot increase capacity based on any other OHA guidance.
Follow the Retail Stores Guidance if operating a retail store on the premises.
To the extent possible, operators of bowling alleys and skating rinks should,but are not required to:
Additional Physical Distancing Measures
Limit the number of staff who serve or interact with each party.
Encourage visitors to attend with their own household members rather than with those
in their extended social circles.
Encourage visitors to recreate safely and avoid traveling to or recreating in areas where it is difficult to maintain at least six (6) feet from others not in their household.
Cleaning/ Hygiene
• Consider providing hand-washing facilities for customer use in and around the facility. Hand sanitizer is effective on clean hands; businesses may make hand sanitizer (60- 95% alcohol content) available to customers. Hand sanitizer must not replace hand washing by employees.
Outdoor facilities
• Consider closing every other parking spot to facilitate at least six (6) feet of physical distance between parties.
Additional Resources:
OHA General Guidance for Employers
Statewide Mask, Face Covering, Face Shield Guidance
CDC’s Guidance for Administrators in Parks and Recreational Facilities
Document accessibility: For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, OHA can provide information in alternate formats such as translations, large print, or braille. Contact the Health Information Center at 1-971-673-2411, 711 TTY or
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