Virtual Testing with OSC
The Oregon Skating Council Now offers Virtual testing!
What do I need at the Video Session?
Ice - Ice should NOT be busy. If another skater blocks video during a critical point in the program such as a jump, the program will not be judged. USFS recommends no more than 8 skaters.
Phone - This is needed to show the date and time at the beginning of the video. Notes of paper will not be accepted.
Placard - This will be shown at the beginning of the video: Placard
Impartial Proctor - This person must be an impartial person who is not related to the skater and does not regularly work with the student. They will need to sign the Performance Affidavit.
Coach - They will also need to sign the Performance Affidavit if they are present. They do NOT have to be present.
Videographer - They will also need to sign the Performance Affidavit.
Dates and Deadlines
Test Session Date/ Video Submission Deadline - Submission Deadline: NO videos will be accepted after [Test Session Date], and NO refunds will be issued for failing to submit video. NO refunds will be issued for rejected videos. We can only accept 1 video for each test.
One day after test session date - Videos mailed to judges
One week after test session date - Results begin to be emailed to skaters
Video Guidelines
USFS filming guidelines
For full virtual testing rules see the USFS Rulebook Section 4104
You may take as many videos as you like, but the FIRST video submitted to the test chair will be the one used for the test. If this video does not meet the guidelines, it will be rejected with no refund.
Videos may not be from an exhibition, competition, or ice show.
Videos should be taken from the perspective of a judge at your rink. The closer to the center line of the ice the better.
The video must be recorded in 720p or 1080p per USFS requirements.
The video MUST be electronically date/time stamped. This may be done by clearly showing the face of a cell phone, smart watch, OR having the recording device automatically date/time stamp the video.
The skater MUST announce their name, home club and test prior to starting the test. This can be done by utilizing the placard linked above. It is best practice to verbally state these items as well.
All videos must be recorded within 14 days of the submission deadline.
The video may not be cut, spliced, or edited. The video must keep “rolling” during any MITF test.
Video must be filmed in landscape mode and SAVED in landscape mode! We recommend viewing the video on a laptop prior to sending, since most phones and tablets auto rotate the video for viewing.
NO RE-SKATES at the end of the video.
If partnered dancers are testing as partners and solo, it must be one long video. Tape the partnered portion, then each skater will skate alone. The video must keep “rolling”.
Judges need to hear the edges, so surroundings need to be as quiet as possible.
MITF tests may not be skated to music, but background noise on the session is acceptable.
Virtual and in-person tests are both subject to the 14 Day Retry Rule.
The video must be submitted by the parent, skater, or coach listed on the application by the video submission deadline.
Submitting Video and Paperwork
E-mail all files to club test chair for each session. A conformation email will be sent to skaters after the register with contact information. All files need to be emailed together.
Performance Affidavit form must be complete. You may upload the scanned file, upload a link, or take a picture and attach it.
Media Likeness form must be complete. You may upload the scanned file, upload a link, or take a picture and attach it.
Permission to Test form if you are not an Oregon Skating Council member. You may upload the scanned file, upload a link, or take a picture and attach it.
Test video link:
Videos will be too large to email, so you will need to use a platform for sharing them. Google Drive, One Drive, Drop Box all work very well. YouTube links will not be accepted.
Make sure you have enabled sharing on the video.
Ensure the link is directly to your video, not to your drive or a folder within the drive.
Title your test video in this format: First name, Last name, test level, test description. For example: Sally Smith, juvenile, free skate.
Please contact Malia Geary at with any questions.