OSC: Core Values

Dear OSC Club Members and Skaters:

One cannot escape politics or the news cycle. By now everyone has heard the political controversy concerning both DEI and gender politics in sport. USFS has been a strong proponent of DEI in recent years. It is also the National Governing Body of our sport, a member of the USOPC and a member of the ISU ... It may become caught up in this.  Ignore it. That national political debate has little relevance to us here on the local level however one may feel about it.

For us here in Oregon and Southwest Washington our core values have always been to include, support, respect and encourage skaters based on their desire, attitude, character, devotion and talent without regard to anything else. It was that way here for decades before there ever was a formal program called DEI. Our openness is reflected in the make up of our cadre of coaches, our team of skaters, and the students in our learn to skate programs. We are all them and they are all us.  We strive to be kind to each other and to include everyone with a desire to be part of our community. We use everyone's talent. It has been our strength. Regardless of what transpires at the national level and what labels are placed or removed, we remain committed to our core values. 

Bill Cloran, President, Oregon Skating Council